Ready to Increase Traffic to Your Blog?

Ready to increase traffic to your blog?

Blog Banner- Increase Traffic to your blog

So you have a blog, and you are actively posting but aren’t seeing the needle budge on your visitor numbers. You may be ready to give up, but I urge you to keep reading to learn tips on how to increase traffic to your blog organically. We promise it’s possible and only takes some planning and dedication to get people to your site!

The Basics

At this point, you should have your blog up and running and have already started pumping out content for people to read. The next step (challenge) is to bring more traffic to your blog and website. After all, that’s the whole point of having a blog. Don’t worry; you don’t have to blow through a bunch of money to get people to read your blog. There are many free ways to promote your blog and gain more readers organically.

Let’s dive into a few easy things you can start doing today.

increase blog traffic

Do Keyword Research

We wanted to start with keyword research because it is one of the top ways Google picks up your site and how readers find you. You may be sitting there wondering what the heck keyword research is, or maybe you just need a little refresher.

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing the terms people use on search engines.

By understanding those keywords, you can find the ones that matter the most and develop specific content to match people’s needs and intentions. Let’s say, for example, you’re researching the keyword “how to write a social media caption” for an article you want to create. “social media caption” can mean writing the content or what a social media caption itself is, and what a searcher’s intent is behind that keyword will influence the direction of your article.

When doing your keyword research, we suggest using a program that helps you look at the demand and competition for certain keywords. We love using Jaaxy to look up keywords for all content we put out, but you can use tons of other great research tools. You can even type keywords into Google, look at what Google is suggesting and incorporate that into your blog post.

Do Keyword research


Create Useful Content

Nobody’s going to want to click on or read through your content if it’s not useful. It’s time to stop writing articles with tons of fluff and go deeper into topics your ideal audience wants to read about. Want to be extremely helpful to your readers and keep them returning to your site? You’ve got to focus on creating quality pieces of comprehensive content that cover all the details.

Struggling to come up with topics to write about on your blog? Think about topics that pertain to your brand that your ideal audience would find useful. You can even ask your audience what type of content they would find useful to help you develop even more blog article topic ideas.

Don't fluff your content

When you’re ready to sit down to create content, here are a few ideas of the type of blog content you can create.

  • How-to’s
  • Opinion piece
  • Answer FAQ’s
  • Tutorials
  • Comparison Article
  • Product Review
  • And so forth!

A final content tip for you is to make sure you are writing about topics that will be useful over a long period of time, that you can come back and update as needed to continue bringing organic traffic to your blog.


Hook Them In

When your content pops up on search engines like Google, your article Title pops up. If you have a generic title, you probably won’t be getting as many clicks on your article. So if you want to increase traffic to your blog, you’ve gotta hook your readers in with a catchy title.

First impressions are important, and your blog post titles are your readers’ first impression of your blog. You could have valuable content in every post you write, but it won’t matter much if no one ever clicks to read them. An ideal title includes a blend of concrete information, intriguing hints at what the post contains, and qualities search engine algorithms like. Achieving a balance of these elements will make for clickable, optimized blog post titles.

promote your blog on social media

Promote on Social Media

If you aren’t already promoting your blog post content on your social media pages, you are already behind increasing traffic to your blog! Not to worry, though! You can quickly fix that. One of the best things about having a blog is that you can pull content from your blog posts and create social media content. Talk about an easy way to repurpose your content, right?! Now that your mind is blown that you can use your blog posts as social media content let’s take a deeper look at what exactly it looks like.

Post quote graphics– Utilize key takeaways from your blog posts and turn them into quote graphics to get people interested in reading the entire blog post to learn more.

Blog Post Template– Create a blog post announcement template so that your social media follows can see when you have a new blog post out and then go to your site to read it.

Utilize Instagram Stories– Now that all users have the option to add a link to their stories, add your blog link to your story posts, and then save it as a highlight so that you can continuously receive clicks from the story.

Create Reels and Lives: Utilize the LIVE and Reels features on Instagram to create content that promotes your blog posts and intrigues people to want to read more.

Need more inspiration on promoting your blog posts on your social accounts? Check out my Instagram to see how I promote my blog posts.

Don’t forget to have your blog post link in your bio so that people can easily click on it and read your latest post.

Learn SEO Basics

We could spend hours writing about why learning the basics of SEO can and will increase traffic to your blog, but since that’s not the focus of this topic, we’ll keep it brief (for now). First off, you don’t have to be an SEO guru to improve your website and blog posts. You just have to be willing to take the time to learn the basics and apply them each time you create new content.

What is SEO? SEO is a set of best practices that help make your website more search engine friendly. Here are a few basics of SEO that can help you get more organic traffic to your blog. learn set to increase traffic to your blog

  • Do keyword research, but don’t overstuff keywords.
  • Use Internal and External Links throughout your article.
  • Use your keywords in your title and subheadings.
  • Add your keyword into your image’s alt text.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly.

Learning SEO doesn’t have to be hard! There are plenty of SEO tools and plugins, free advice, and step-by-step tutorials available that you can use. If you do anything for your website today, please download an SEO plug-in (I use All-In-One SEO) so that you can receive SEO optimization scores and recommendations on how to improve your blog articles.

Let’s Increase Traffic to Your Blog!

These tips will help you increase your blog traffic and continue getting more subscribers. Growing your blog is not out of reach. It just takes time, research, and patience.

Don’t have the time or patience it takes to grow your blog? That’s what we are here for. Whether you have old blog posts that you want to be optimized and updated or want help creating monthly articles for your blog, we are here to give you the help you deserve! Schedule a free consultation, and let’s get your blog up and running!

Have other tips on how to increase traffic to your blog? Leave your tips in the comments.


Your Wandering VA,


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