Is Hiring A Copywriter Beneficial?

Is Hiring a Copywriter Beneficial?



You are just about to sit down before your computer because you have just gotten your product ready to promote on your website. The product looks good, has the right colors and will be very useful for people who buy it. Then it hits you. Once you take a picture of it and post it on your page, how will you convince people what it is, what it does, how and where people will buy this product? The answer? You need to hire a  Copywriter!

So What is a Copywriter?

A Copywriter writes what is known as a “Sales Copy” to convert a lead into a paying customer. In other words, A trained Copywriter is better known to write persuasive content on a marketing platform to increase brand awareness and direct the customer on what to do next.

Copywriting stemmed from a method used for companies to introduce and market their profitable brand way before the influence of media and television came into play. The only way these brands could have authority in their niche and remain ahead of the game was to have written words to promote themselves.

Years later, with more media platforms developing, the art of copywriting has not changed and is continuing to be the primary go-to when wanting to add that extra push needed to showcase your brand.

Let Us Break It down further.

Suppose you view a persons’ website where they are selling a product or service. In that case, you will usually notice that they will start with a back story of how they got started using or selling the product, followed by listing the benefits and features of why this product or service is successful and how it can change your life. Then there is a call to action at the end of the copy, encouraging you to take that next step by purchasing. This style is usually the standard sales process that copywriters use to reel in their ideal customer without being too pushy, direct, and sales.

copywriting tips


 What About Copywriters and Content Writers, Aren’t They The Same Thing?

The Answer is Simply No!

Although we must say that we can easily confuse the two because both positions require writing, their purpose and skills are different.

Content Writers are people who strictly create online content. They have to spend time researching their data and writing on facts instead of their sole opinions. They have to create longer-form content that is informative, educational, or entertaining for their ideal audience.  A Content writer writes.

  1. Blog Posts
  2. E-books
  3. Emails and newsletters
  4. Website Content and Product Descriptions

Copywriters have to write captivating, to the point, and short-form copy for readers to get the message since the whole idea is to engage your audience to take actionable steps.

A Copywriter can write

  • Email Newsletters
  • Landing page Copy
  • Website content
  • Newspaper, Billboard, and Magazine Ads
  • Social Media Post
  • TV, Radio and Video Scripts

Lucky for you, we are skilled in both areas!

content vs copy writing

With that said,

Did You Know There are Some Commonalities Between The Two?

It is pretty evident that even though there are some differences, they have some similar requirements when writing great content as a whole.

  • The ability to proofread their work
  • Has basic knowledge of SEO
  • Can adapt to the brand voice and personality of their clients
  • Creativity
  • Impressive research skills
  • Amazing storytelling skills
  • Can meet deadlines

So Why Should You Hire A Copywriter For Your Business After All?

It is essential to ask yourself the following questions when considering bringing on a copywriter to make your business lifestyle a lot easier for you.

There will be a lot of business owners who want to save money and will try to DIY their copy. As much as there is nothing wrong with that, you still have to think about whether you.

  1. Have the time time to write a Copy?
  2. Can I Write Copy consistently?

If you answered anything less than a no to either, it is time to hire a copywriter (like us) for your business!

it's time to hire a copywriter

How Much Is Time Needed To Write Copy?

As mentioned before, copywriters have the task of writing an eye-catching, short product or service description to increase brand awareness. However, most people forget is that before a copywriter publishes their content, they need to spend a lot of their time researching the products, figuring out who the ideal audience is before they put their findings into a well-edited text.

If you choose to Do-it-Yourself because you do not want to outsource, you can lose valuable time that could have been spent on other areas of your business. Having an experienced Copywriter like myself in your back pocket can do all the nitty-gritty tasks of digging through data to create compelling copy to hook your audience.

Can’t I Do It Myself?

Of course you can, but make sure you are consistent if you are doing it yourself. Business owners will try to write their copy to save money, even though there are endless courses and tutorials on becoming a copywriter. First and foremost, you will need to have a solid grasp on who you want to work with and how you can build a trusting relationship with them to turn into a long-term paying client. On that note, you will need to write consistently, and if you feel that it can be too overwhelming, it is best to start thinking of hiring a copywriter.

What Are You Waiting For?!

Copywriters are known to write in different brand voices to match the tone of their clients. They are very versatile and adaptable to brand personalities and can write for mostly any niche or platform.

If you want to go from “Help, my business is not growing” to “I am seeing so much growth,” you have come to the right place. We specialize in Copywriting and Content creation, SEO, Social Media Management, and Blog Post Writing. So, if you need someone to help you write your way into a successful business, it’s time to set up a consultation call with us.

P.S. make sure you follow us on Instagram to stay updated on the latest small business tips!

Your Wandering VA,




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